Shake Shack Squirrel

How much convincing is it going to take to make you believe that the title of this post is relevant in some way?

(I realize that the coat is the same from the last post but, hey, blame the crazy New York weather! And I did say that this coat is perfect for this time of year didn't I?)

When I first moved to Boston, I had a crazy fascination with the wild life. Maybe it was growing up as a desert kid, who knows? I remember a phone call between my mom and I where she told me to make sure not to 'pet the geese.' Thanks for that, mom.

Anyhow, since then, I've loved squirrels. That is, until we were trying to shoot these pictures in Madison Square Park. I'm sure you've heard about Madison Square Park's squirrels by now – they're a tad aggressive and have no shame in coming up to you and taking food. Whether you offered it or not. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, check out this video. And the day before these pictures, Nick's coworker had his ice cream stolen from him by a squirrel. Seriously. Stolen. Like, what?!

So while we're trying to shoot these pictures, I witnessed:

  • a squirrel having a standoff with two large dogs,

  • a squirrel climbing onto some man to try to get food,

  • said squirrel on the fence looking like he wanted to hop into my purse, and

  • a squirrel following us a bit, thinking we had food.

Needless to say, I was a little wary about being too close to them. Also, the ones in Madison Square Park seem to have... I don't know... highlights(?) on their tails. Is that a result of feeding on Shake Shack fries? Ice cream? Shame that the only thing I'll probably get if I eat Shake Shack on a daily basis is a trip to buy new jeans.

Alright, if you're still reading this, you deserve a prize. But I also hope that you understand the blog post name now. If not, then it'll be an inside joke with myself (everyone has those right?)

Until next time. Try not to get attacked or get your food stolen by a Madison Square Park squirrel.

Sidenote: I'm quite proud of my fiancé for figuring out how to use the camera he bought me for my birthday. Can we give him a round of applause?! (And yes, I do feel quite guilty whenever that Instagram Husband video starts to show up in my feed – but you don't mind, right love?)


Boston Strong

