525,600 Minutes
Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
Five hundred twenty five thousand moments so dear
Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
How do you measure, measure a year?
Last year, on this day, I got engaged! My post about our engagement was titled "A New York Minute" and, well, it's been just about 525,600 New York Minutes to be exact. To be honest, I really can't believe time has gone by so fast. I know, I know – everyone says the same thing but seriously!
In exactly three weeks, we'll be taking our engagement pictures at The Most Magical Place on Earth – and you have no idea how excited I am for this. As big of a Disney fan I am, can you believe I've never actually been to Disney World?! It's crazy, I know.
This past year has brought on many exciting adventures for both Nicholas and I – lots of growth, both as a couple and individually. I can honestly say, I can't have wished for a better partner in crime. Last year, I said that I was excited for the year to come and all the adventures that were to come and is it crazy that I still feel the same way?
Nicholas and I were just talking about how couples have a rough time during the wedding planning process but we really haven't had any of that (knock on wood) which, I hope, means we're just on the same page for everything!
It took four weeks for my ring to get resized so you know that we went and picked it up immediately after we got the phone call that it was ready!
I'll be going wedding dress shopping this November – and am I going to be blogging about that experience? You bet I am! All the wonderful ladies in my life will be coming from all over the country to join me for a weekend of white dresses. I. Can't. Wait. But until then, I'll just enjoy being a bride-to-be a little longer...
* thumbnail image by my amazing and talented friend: @cat_wok